Ryan Dewerff throws flamingo flower pot at wife while driving down the road

41-year-old Ryan Dewerff was jailed on July 21st after allegedly attempting to assault his wife with a flamingo flowerpot during an argument that started on Crossland Avenue. The argument started when Ryan went to an address on Elder Street to pick up the truck that he needed for work. His wife, Jessica Dewerff had been using the truck and was upset that he was taking it, so they got into an argument. She hopped in the back seat of the truck and refused to exit when her husband asked her to, so he began to drive to their house in Ashland City.

According to Jessica, she told her husband not to take the truck, but he got in the driver’s seat anyway, so she got in the back seat. She asked him to turn around and take her back to the house she was staying at. He circled the block, pulled up to that house, and acted as if he were going to let her out but drove off again before she had the chance. They argued while Ryan drove down the road, and then he threw a flower pot toward Jessica; she was sitting behind him so she wasn’t hit with it, but she believed he meant to harm her, so she called 911 while in the backseat to report it. During the call, she was heard asking Ryan to stop the truck several times. Police made the traffic stop near Meadowhill Lane and observed dirt on Jessica’s face and neck from the flower pot.

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DUI: Man charged after rollover crash, open bottle of Maker’s Mark found in vehicle — Philip Thomas

32-year-old Philip Thomas faces multiple charges after first responders pulled him from his crashed vehicle just after 9 p.m. Saturday. He rolled the 2013 GMC pickup after striking a guard rail, according to authorities, who found an open 1.75 L bottle of Maker’s Mark with only 1/4th of the whisky still in the bottle. Thomas, who had urinated on himself, told police had only had “one drink” at a friend’s house earlier.

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