Soldier Eddie Brown pulled his penis out in front of magistrate and urinated on floor after arrest

A patron of the troubled Electric Cowboy flagged down nearby police in the early morning hours of April 30 to report his friend, 22-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Eddie Brown, was about to drive away after drinking heavily, and they were unable to stop him. Officers located Brown in his Nissan Sentra after he drove up beside them as they were searching for him in the parking lot. He admitted, through slurred words, that he had been drinking prior to driving. Inside his Sentra, officers found two open bottles of Seagram’s Escapes Italian Ice alcoholic drinks. Brown had a mouth full of chewing tobacco, which he was ordered to spit out before being placed into the patrol car.

Brown waited until he was in the back of the patrol car and then spit it up onto the back seat. Not quite finished, Brown then pulled his penis from his pants and doused the rear of the patrol car in urine. Once at booking, while standing at the magistrate’s window, Brown recreated the scene from the car and once again pulled out his penis and urinated all over the floor. A the time of his arrest, Brown was out on bond from a February DUI arrest.

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Dajuan Dowlen charged with domestic assault after ex-girlfriend wakes him up to argue

30-year-old Dajuan Dowlen was jailed after his lover, Suzanne White, says he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her into a corner of the bedroom, causing her to be in fear the assault would escalate. She told police they had been arguing after he came home after being out all day and smelled like alcohol. She says he tried to go to bed and ignore an issue she was upset about, so she attempted to get her attention when he pushed her into the corner. Dowlen says nothing happened, and she just woke him up from his sleep to argue with him. White is listed as his “ex-girlfriend” in court documents related to this arrest.

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Woman charged with stalking & sending private sex videos to her ex’s new lover —Nicole Krause

43-year-old Nicole Krause faces multiple charges after police say she mailed a package containing used undergarments to her ex-husband’s new girlfriend, Dian Wallace. Her ex-husband, Ryan Krause, also filed charges after she created a group chat with him and his new girlfriend and shared explicit and intimate videos and photos of the former lovers having sex.

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