Sheriff’s brother, Darrell Christopher Fuson, charged with masturbating in Rotary Park

Sheriff’s brother, Darrell Christopher Fuson, charged with masturbating in Rotary Park

67-year-old Darrell Christopher Fuson was issued a citation on March 13 for an incident that occurred on Saturday, February 26, at Rotary Park in Clarksville. Two witnesses told deputies that Fuson was actively masturbating in plain view, approximately fifteen feet from them. Fuson admitted to the activity and was later issued a citation for two counts of indecent exposure.

Darrell Christopher Fuson of Riverwood Place in Clarksville, TN, was issued a citation on March 13th, charged with indecent exposure.

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20 thoughts on “Sheriff’s brother, Darrell Christopher Fuson, charged with masturbating in Rotary Park


    1. This is a disgrace to Clarksville Montgomery Co, PUBLIC. Con-Fuson by the Sheriff who decided after 10 to take down Mugshots, WHY because his FAMILY. That is the only reason. Stop trying to BS everyone in CLARKSVILLE and MONTGOMERY CO, 😡 His FAMILY is Con-Fuson into thinking we are ok with this.

      1. People are getting tired of turning her back and breaking the laws because it’s suit them they’re actually starting to stand up and finally say right is right wrong is wrong and playing daylight down at the sheriff do what he did it clearly shows how much they really been treating a citizens of Montgomery County Clarksville and it’s really pathetic how we stand idly by and let this continue to happen something should and have to be done about things that’s done clearly in our face and we do not change nothing

  2. That is complete and utter crap for 10 years this man has had no issues putting peoples mugshots all over the internet but now his brother is caught masterbaiting in public and didn’t go to jail was issued a citation where anyone else would have went to jail without question but because it’s the sheriff’s brother he gets a citation and his daughter is in the middle of a child abuse case at a daycare he needs to be removed from office if he is willing to do all this to protect his perverted brother who should now be a sex offender and his child beating daughter

  3. So we shouldn’t know if our neighbor was busted with drugs that they sell to our children . Well well well .! If he needs to protect his family then step down and do it like we everyday people have to .

  4. Yep, like I keep saying, these laws & rules are all good for everyone else until it comes down to you personally. It’s only then when you start to see the problem. Carriell Williams here saying: #Revampthesystem!

  5. Sheriff’s Brother caught MASTERBATING in a city park , daughter caught beating kid

    WTF !

    What’s going on with family ?

  6. If it wasn’t for the honest work of other people this would never have came to Daylight this is the truth and Clarksville to this day how things still operate in favor of those with power they’ll use it misuse it and some of us sees it every day and experience every day you know what I mean this is not a game this is not a joke to make other people lives hell to make your life better because you decide charges on people but when you come to yours and everything you love all of a sudden it’s real easy to cover up things and make an excuse or other words you would say to us lie about what you’re really doing and it’s plainly clearly to see unless we’re closing our eyes while we’re looking right at you so yes Sheriff should come up on me pictures of some charges where people that had they mugshots and they reputation and how people perceive them while they’re walking down the street of driving their car or their friends asking them? How your family feel now now that you’ve been doing this for years now your family is the one probably been doing it for years and everybody eyesight and nobody said nothing but now people are speaking up we don’t care who you are you do wrong or get the same consequences as a person you’re giving time to too so watch your time cuz now it’s your turn

  7. Fucking Wild 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Sheriff’s Brother got caught ” Jerking His Gherkin ” in a public park

    Hey Man ……. Stay home or get a hotel room
    What the hell is wrong with that dude ?

    Unfreaking Believable

  8. I wonder if the Sheriff’s brother ” Cum-Pleted ” his mission before he got caught 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Stay Outta Rotary Park u PERV

  9. the Clarksville Sheriff has got to be Embarrassed about all this .

    His Brother for MASTERBATING in a Park & then his Daughter …….oh My

    It’s gonna be a little awkward at the dinner table during Holidays at the FUSON home .

    Somebody just make sure the sheriff’s brother washed his hands before he starts touching anything 🤣

    I’m just saying 💬

  10. Just think whenever you shake a guy’s hand always remember he held his penis with that hand. So did he wash his hands when he left the bathroom or what else did he do with his hands? LOL

  11. And by the look on his face sitting there might just have been he didn’t get to finish the job, or he would have had a smile on is face. Yep you caught me.

  12. That’s the real reason they took the mugshots down. Ots ok to embarrass us for the last 17 years. Ain’t no fun when the shoes on the other foot. Now ya brother beating his meat at the park. Sounds like it’s hereditary. What u covering up.???

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