Christopher Clouser charged with stalking his adult daughter

Christopher Clouser charged with stalking his adult daughter

48-year-old Christopher Clouser was jailed on April 17, charged with stalking his daughter, Araceli Clouser. She says she has been receiving unwanted calls and texts from her father, despite being told multiple times to stop. More recently, he has begun to appear at the Austin Peay campus, where Araceli attends school, in attempts to locate and talk to her. She says he’s also made threats to harm her pets if she does not move out of her boyfriend’s house and return home to live. On April 17, he reportedly left unwanted gifts at her residence, including a raised garden bed she had built and left at his home, including a signed charge to her from ‘dad.’


Christopher Norman Clouser of Challis Dr in Clarksville, TN, was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on April 18th, charged with stalking. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $1,000.

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7 thoughts on “Christopher Clouser charged with stalking his adult daughter

  1. So, THIS MAN… RIGHT HERE!!!! GETS ARRESTED AND BOOKED!!!!…IN THIS CLARKSVILLE JAIL!!!! FOR TRYING TO SET HER STRAIGHT!!!!….ABOUT HER SINS OF “SHACKING UP” WITH SOME MAN????? “ALL I CAN SAY IS THAT IF IT WERE ME, MYSELF, AND MINE”, THAT MY “ONE AND ONLY REPLY TO THIS MESS IS THIS”….I SAY….IS THIS”…..I SAY, OH YEA…..OK THEN….”GO HIDE AND WATCH ME”….THEN…..”WATCH AGAIN AS I GET MY “DADDY GROVE ON”…I hear about this kind of horse manure…..going on constantly coming out of some rank amateur Sergeant based in the Precinct that covers the Tennova Hospital area….I “would personally reach out via ANY High exposure media to express” my own POV here..Laws? Yes…But….Barney Fife?? Gimme a break!!! Sorry caps….but….I know of some Good Apples, Great Apples!! Running out of a different Precinct…Here, I just shake my head….and pray a special prayer for all of these Heros in blue…

  2. Christopher Clouser is my beloved husband. We have been married for 28 wonderful years. He has the biggest and most forgiving heart that I have ever had the honor of knowing. Unfortunately, our daughter has suffered from mental illness for quite a while and chose to lash out on the one person who tried to help her the most. Chris never gave up on our daughter and she thanked him by filing false reports to the police and arrested. Thankfully, the courts had evidence to contradict all of the accusations and the case was dismissed and Chris has had his record expunged.

    My husband did not do any of things that our daughter wrote on the police report. Our daughter was not receiving unwanted calls and texts. Our daughter continued to text us up until minutes before she made this false report to the police. Our daughter was at our house a couple hours before she went to the police and filed false charges. She had eaten dinner with us at our house and gave us both hugs and told us she loved us before she left the house. This police report and arrest hit us from our blind side. We still to this day have no idea why our daughter did any of this. Chris did not stalk her at APSU. Every time that they met at APSU was from her invitation by text message or phone call requesting that they meet for lunch because she loved to eat out and they would go to lunch together. The raised flower box that Chris left at the home that she is currently living at is a gift that she wanted to make for her future mother-in-law for Mother’s Day. She had spent weeks prior to this event building and staining this flower box at our home with guidance from Chris. Chris bought all of the supplies at the request of our daughter, and she even chose the color of the paint. Chris was proud to let her do all of the work under his guidance because he is the kind of dad that wanted to make sure that our daughter knew how to use power tools and build things with her own hands. Chris never threatened her pets. Our daughter is the one that stole the family pony from a stable that he had lived at for many years. Our pony is nearly 30 years old and moving him to a new herd is cruel and anyone who knows horses can understand this. Only after our daughter would not listen to reason and moved our beloved pony anyway, out of desperation, Chris told her that if she did not return the pony to his original stable, he would be forced to tell the police that she stole our pony. Chris never did tell the police. Chris’ heart is too big, and he is too forgiving. Chris did not want to see her get into trouble. The other family pets that she grew up with, a 14-year-old pug named Budd-e, a 15-year-old pug named Wall-e, and our two 12-year-old budgies are still at our house and doing well. Our pug Budd-e had always been very close to our daughter and has been extremely depressed that she has abandoned him at the age of 14 and, as we’ve been told, our daughter has gotten a new dog for herself that she refers to as, “the love of her life.”

    I kindly request that Clarksville Today either remove this mugshot from this site or to include a court update on the case so that when people look Christopher Clouser up on the internet, they do not see a mugshot of a criminal, but that of a good man who is loved very much by his wife and his family. A man that is innocent of the accusations of a child that is mentally ill. What would be the best for our family, including our daughter, is that Chirstopher Clouser’s mugshot does not show up at all when people look him up on the internet.

    We love our daughter very much and we want the best for her. We also want, very much, for this terrible incident to be over. So long as this mug shot is on the internet it is hard to feel that this is every really over.

    1. I am Christopher Clouser mom. I was so shocked that my granddaughter had her father arrested. He is a kind loving person. My granddaughter has been having difficulties with mental illness. Christopher is a very patient fellow and always gave my granddaughter a loving home. When she graduated she wanted her present to be a trip to Iceland and off they went. He never did any of this and it was proved. Inspire of everything he let her keep a 23000 dollar car and they rented a storage unit and put all of her belongings in it so she would have all of her clothing and belongings. We pray that she works her way back to her family that loves her so much.
      Please consider removing my son’s picture from your magazine. Thankyou.

  3. I am Christopher Clouser’s Mother. My son is a very loving man. He has always been by my side for me. His loving nature loved his father til the end. He did not have too but his heart is so large and understanding that a father who had a serious mental illness was very difficult to deal with and his dad did a lot of horrible things in his life. But he made sure that his dad had a safe place to live and clothes on his back. I worked many hours to raise my son’s. They knew it was difficult and all my boys worked and helped me. When Chris was grown and his wife Julie had become finicially well for the last 20 years they give me a 5 year old car and he will not take a penny. I can not express how deeply my granddaughter hurt her dad when she did this. She has been struggling mentally for a while.He was devastating that she filed false statements against him. He is a loving father and they did everything for her. She graduated last year and he asked her what she wanted for graduation ,she wanted to go to IceLann and yes they went. Also the court found him innocent. So he loves his daughter so much that the car she drove was his and he let her keep it and it was a 23000 dollar automobile. Not only that he rented a storage building and put everything in it that she owned because he wanted her to have all her clothes and everything that belonged to her. He is still praying for the day that she realizes that they are still her mom and dad and wants the best for her.
    Please consider removing this article. This is not a man who could ever do those things that she accused him of. Please give my son his dignity back. Thankyou for reading this

  4. Hi Julie, this is your long lost mother and I’m very sorry to read your unfortunate predicament!

    I miss the lost time knowing precious Araceli.


    Your mother!

  5. I’m non judgemental I was not there or can I speak on either of them but whatever the situation maybe hope it all gets the attention it need for both parties so they can continue on with there life be blessed

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