Soldier Cade Bakke drunkenly assaults wife during altercation over gun

24-year-old Soldier Cade Alec Bakke had a domestic dispute with his wife, Alyssa Gillespie, at their Airport Road apartment on June 28th. Gillespie told responding officers that she and Bakke had argued earlier. She stated she was upstairs in her bedroom while Bakke was drinking alcohol. Then, Bakke entered the bedroom, retrieved his pistol from the bookshelf, and returned downstairs. Gillespie stated this was when she followed him and told him he did not need to be messing around with a gun while he was drinking. Gillespie added that he was walking around the living room, pointing the gun to the ground before putting it in a backpack, which she took from him. Bakke pushed her into the corner of the living room when she did this. Gillespie then pushed him back, and he reached around her, grabbing the backpack. Gillespie stated this put her in fear of bodily harm due to the argument escalating. Bakke was then taken into custody for domestic assault on June 29th.

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Stacy Eidson punches husband during dispute

33-year-old Stacy Eidson was involved in a domestic dispute with her husband, Joshua Eidson, at their Airport Place apartment on March 10th. Joshua informed officers that he and Stacy were in an argument that escalated when she pushed him. Joshua then stated that he tried to go downstairs, but Stacy punched him in the chest. Stacy Eidson was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Joshua Eidson throws wife to the ground during argument

30-year-old Joshua Eidson was involved in a domestic dispute with his wife, Stacy Eidson, at their Airport Place apartment on March 10th. Stacy stated that after a physical altercation upstairs, she and Joshua went downstairs, and she slammed a closet door, which upset Joshua. He grabbed Stacy by her arms and threw her on the floor. Joshua Eidson was later taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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