Attorney Joel Ragland embezzles $85,000 from Apex Title & Eric Yow

63-year-old Clarksville attorney Joel Ragland was jailed earlier this month after his business partner, Eric Yow, reported Ragland had been embezzling from the business for the past year. An audit showed over $85,000 worth of missing funds. An investigation was conducted and Ragland was recorded in a conversation in which he admitted to writing multiple checks to his personal bank account. A total of $60,000 was written from the trust of Apex Title to Ragland’s personal checking account. Two more checks were written to Moore Construction from the company’s account to pay back a personal loan owed by Ragland.

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Attorney Joel Ragland suspended from practicing law

The Supreme Court of Tennessee temporarily suspended Joel David Ragland from the practice of law Friday, upon finding that Mr. Ragland misappropriated funds for his personal use and continues to pose a threat of substantial harm to the public, according to a release from the licensing board.

Mr. Ragland is immediately precluded from accepting new cases and must cease representing existing clients by May 12, 2024. After May 12, 2024, Mr. Ragland shall not engage in the practice of law; use any indicia of lawyer, legal assistant, or law clerk; or maintain a presence wherein the practice of law is conducted. Mr. Ragland must notify all clients represented in pending matters, co-counsel, and opposing counsel of the Supreme Court’s Order suspending his law license. He shall deliver to all clients any papers or property to which they are entitled.

Mr. Ragland must comply with the requirements of Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 9, Sections 28 and 12.3(d), regarding the obligations and responsibilities of temporarily suspended attorneys and the procedure for reinstatement.

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