DUI: Letoya Vaughn kicks police officer in face at Circle K gas station

On April 29th, 38-year-old Letoya Vaughn was seen recklessly driving and assaulting officers at Circle K near Warfield Boulevard. The officer responded to a call concerning a reckless driver swerving into oncoming traffic before pulling into a Circle K gas station. When officers arrived, they noticed Vaughn walking toward her vehicle from the building. Officers approached Vaughn and immediately smelled alcohol on her breath. Officers also noticed her inability to balance, making her sway back and forth. When officers spoke to Vaughn, she denied driving the vehicle at all.

Officers then spoke with the person who made the call, and they successfully identified Vaughn as the driver. Officers then met with the manager of the Circle K, and he pulled up a video where Vaughn walked into the store with keys in her hand. Other employees at the Circle K informed officers that they believed Vaughn was under the influence of drugs. Officers asked Vaugn to perform sobriety tests, but she refused, so she was taken into custody. While placing her in the vehicle, Vaughn refused to listen to commands and stiffened her body with officers. This prompted officers to get more hands-on, and during this, Vaughn kicked an officer in the face. Following this, the officer searched the vehicle and found an open container of alcohol by the driver’s seat as well as a Styrofoam cup of alcohol in the center console cup holder. Vaughn was previously arrested on April 21st for an incident where she pointed a gun at a woman during an argument. Vaughn was charged with evidence tampering, assault against first responder, DUI, resisting arrest, and open container law on April 29th.

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DUI: Ronda Martin falls asleep behind the wheel after drinking “one beer”

40-year-old Ronda Lee Martin, an employee at Gary J. Smith, M.D, was sitting in the Providence Boulevard Raceway parking lot around 2 a.m. on April 24th. Officers observed this and initiated a welfare check, during which she was sleeping in her driver’s seat. As officers shook her arm to wake her up, they noticed she reeked of alcohol and had an open beer can in the center console. Martin admitted to having one beer.

Officers asked Martin to provide her driver’s credentials, and she handed them her house key. She consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and after being informed of implied consent, agreed to provide a breath sample, which resulted in 0.187 BAC%. Martin was taken into custody for an open container violation and driving under the influence.

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DUI: Joshua Maudlin crashes car into Exxon parking lot after drinking shot of Everclear

On April 18th, 35-year-old Joshua Maudlin was involved in a single-vehicle crash near an Exxon on Madison Street. When officers arrived, they spoke with Maudlin, who stated he had driven off the road near Golf Club Lane and crashed into a curb in the Exxon parking lot. While speaking with Maudlin, Officers noticed the odor of alcohol on his breath and his eyes being bloodshot. Proceeding this, officers asked Maudlin to perform sobriety tests, which he performed poorly. Officers then searched his vehicle, finding two open containers of alcohol. Maudlin admitted to officers that he mixed one shot of Everclear and two shots of coffee liquor. Officers took Maudlin into custody for driving under the influence, Open container of alcohol, and exercising due care on April 19th.  

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