Hugh Thames lies to police about girlfriend overdosing on crack

Hugh Thames lies to police about girlfriend overdosing on crack

44-year-old Hugh Thames Jr was at Marathon Gas station on November 5th when he was giving CPR to a female who was overdosing. Officers arrived and asked Thames if he knew the female, and he told them he didn’t. He said to them that he noticed her collapse on the street and drove her to the gas station to get help. Officers picked up Thames’s personal information while he led them to the initial place where he found her. Thames’s information didn’t come up, so they asked again for his social security number, and he gave them a different number. It was discovered that Thames had multiple non-extraditable warrants in other states. This led to officers asking for consent to search his room, which he granted. While at the hotel, Thames told officers that he had crack cocaine in the room as well as where to find it. Officers also found devices that Thames claimed were used to “push crack.” Thames also told them that the female that he was giving CPR to was his girlfriend, who was overdosing on the crack they were smoking. She fell over and hit her head, so he grabbed her and rushed to the hospital but had to make a stop at the gas station when she became unresponsive. Thames was taken into custody and charged with false report, simple possession/casual exchange, unlawful drug paraphernalia, and criminal impersonation.


Hugh Author Thames of Holiday Dr in Clarksville, TN, was booked into the Montgomery County Jail on November 5th, charged with false report, simple possession/casual exchange, unlawful drug paraphernalia, and criminal impersonation. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $7,000.

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9 thoughts on “Hugh Thames lies to police about girlfriend overdosing on crack

  1. Here’s another outsider in our town stirring havoc. I told you all of these outsiders coming here and bringing their thug life here. GET THE HELL OUT and STOP COMING HERE WITH THIS SHIT. You have turned our town into EVIL.

  2. This guy has warrants in like six different states, he’s barely avoided, getting charged with domestic violenc Several times he more than likely hit the lady. he also has several people looking for him trying to sue him for illegal electrical work done on property done on their property without licensing.

    1. No one can overdose on crack. Clarksville is giving there drug dealers Car Feyntnal to mix into the cocaine to kill people. FACT crooked cops and this report is fabrication!

  3. The lady mentioned in the article is my sister…I know in my heart, that this POS man, will be the death of her. My sister cut off the entire family, and ran off with him 2 years ago. Before she met Hugh, she was living a normal life; working, and drug free. She had dreams, and ambition. So sad. If you read this, sister…call me. My number hasn’t changed.

  4. I work for the gentleman and he took employees for wages He took several people customers for For money I never did the job Or left them half Done, he assaulted one of his employees after he was confronted. About wages and people are still cleaning up this mess

  5. I work for the gentleman and he took employees for wages He took several people customers for For money I never did the job Or left them half Done, he assaulted one of his employees after he was confronted. About wages and people are still cleaning up this mess Here’s sexually mollisting kids to

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