Devaudo Gordon assaults girlfriend after taking her phone during argument

20-year-old Devaudo Gordon, employee of Walmart, was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Selena Sudine, at a residence on June 26th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Sudine, who stated that she and Gordon had gotten into an argument that had turned physical. Sudine also informed officers that Gordon snatched her phone from her hand during the argument and walked away. Sudine then followed Gordon in an attempt to get it back. Gordon then pushed her away, causing a small cut on the inside of her lip. Sudine claimed she felt assaulted and was in fear of bodily harm due to the situation. Gordon was then deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Cobie Vaughns throws phone in girlfriend’s face after learning she was cheating

25-year-old Nacobie Vaughns was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Briauna, while at his Walnut Street apartment residence on June 25th. When the officers, they spoke with Briauna, who stated that she and Vaughn had been arguing before she fell asleep. However, she informed officers that Vaughns woke her up by throwing her phone at her, causing her nose to bleed. Officers noticed a mark on the left side of her nose where the phone pushed her glasses in. Proceeding this, Briauna tended to their crying baby after she had woken up. Officers then spoke with Vaughns, who admitted he tossed the phone. However, Vaughns believed he tossed it on her chest and not her nose. Vaughns also noted he only did so after finding out she was cheating. Due to the statements made and Vaughn’s admission, he was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Anthony Johnson punches wife in stomach after seeing her text another man

56-year-old Anthony Johnson was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Wanda Johnson, at their Sly Fox Drive residence on June 24th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Anthony, who stated that when he and Wanda were in bed, he noticed her texting another man. Anthony claimed he tried to grab Wanda’s phone, but she pushed him away with her hand on his forehead. Proceeding this, Anthony says he then got up, pushed Wanda away, and left the room to call 911. Officers then spoke with Wanda, who claimed that Anthony became upset at who she was texting. Johnson then punched her in the stomach before getting up out of bed. After this assault, Wanda claimed she tried to stand up from the bed, but Anthony pushed and kicked her back into the bed. Johnson then left the room, and both of them called 911. Due to the statements made, Anthony was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on June 25th.

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Anthony Duncan threatens to punch girlfriend while she’s holding baby

42-year-old Anthony Duncan was involved in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, Teyana Moore, at their Cunningham Lane residence on February 13th. Officers arrived and were told by Moore that she and Duncan had an argument. Moore stated that she found something on Duncan’s phone that she did not like, so they started yelling at each other. Moore told the officers she had told Duncan to leave, but he refused. After the argument, Duncan confronted Moore in the bathroom while she was holding her baby. Moore made it known that she was holding her baby, but Duncan stated that he did not care. Duncan also threateningly asked who would make him leave. According to Moore, Duncan cocked back his arm while they were face to face. Moore told officers that this caused her to fear for her safety. Duncan then left before officers arrived. Duncan was later taken into custody for domestic assault on June 24th.

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Ashlee Knight assaults boyfriend with candle during altercation involving cat

18-year-old Ashlee Knight was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Anthony Salem, at a Keystone Drive residence on June 24th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Knight, who stated that she and Salem were having an argument. Knight stated the argument that turned physical, which was common for them. Knight informed officers that Salem was yelling at her and grabbed her by the arms before throwing her onto the bed. Officers then spoke with Salem, who claimed that he was trying to put their cat in the room that Knight was in. In response to this, Knight tried to close the door on him and proceeded to hit him in the head with a candle.

Officers then noticed a bump on Salem’s head, consistent with him being hit by said candle. Salem claims that he then continued into the bedroom, where he grabbed Knight by the arms and threw her onto the bed. This is when Salem’s mother, Jennifer Dickinson, stepped in and attempted to separate the two. Dickinson was the only other person who had witnessed the altercation and told officers that she was woken up by the two arguing, which was common for them. Dickinson says she went to the bedroom where both parties were to separate the two. Dickinson then told them that they both needed to leave the house. They both proceeded to leave the residence. Knight waited across the street outside, and Salem left with a friend. Other officers were able to contact Salem and bring him back to the residence to get his side of the story. Knight was then deemed the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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McKenzie Thomas drunkenly kicks husband in face during argument

22-year-old McKenzie Thomas was involved in a domestic dispute with her husband, Cody Thomas, at their White Oak Road residence on June 23rd. When officers made contact with McKenzie, she stated she had drunk alcohol before the incident took place. McKenzie said that she argued with Cody, but it never got physical. When officers spoke to Cody, he stated that McKenzie got mad during an argument and kicked him in the face. Cody added that McKenzie then kicked him in the ribs before leaving. McKenzie was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Archie Maxie Jr. hits fiancé in face with bowl of SpaghettiOs

33-year-old Archie Maxie Jr. was involved in an incident with his fiancé, Brianna Goods, on June 23rd. Goods told officers that Maxie grabbed her arm and hit her in the face with SpaghettiOs. Goods noted that Maxie then poured the bowl of SpaghettiOs over her head. When officers came into contact with her, she still had the SpaghettiOs sauce on her face and ear. Maxie Jr. was taken into custody for domestic assault. The couple has a previous history of domestic assault.

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Erica Mason-Austin pulls girlfriend’s hair, pushes her into air vent during argument

24-year-old Erica Mason-Austin was involved in a domestic altercation with her girlfriend, Takeila Smith, at their Prewitt Lane residence on June 23rd. Mason told officers that she got into an argument with Smith. Mason stated that after the argument, Smith punched her in the face while she was lying down. Mason noted that the argument continued downstairs into the backyard. According to Mason, this is where Smith stomped on her thigh. When officers spoke to Smith, she stated that Mason pulled her hair and pushed her into an air vent. She also mentioned that Mason punched her in the face using her phone. Both parties were seen with injuries, so both of them were deemed the primary aggressors. Mason was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Takeila Smith punches girlfriend in bed during altercation

20-year-old Takeila Smith was involved in a domestic altercation with Ms. Mason-Austin at their Prewitt Lane residence on June 23rd. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Austin, who stated that she and Smith had gotten into a physical altercation. Austin claims that while she was lying down in bed, Smith began punching her, causing them to argue. Austin and Smith continued the argument downstairs into the backyard, and Austin claims that Smith then started stomping on her thigh while she was sitting on the ground next to an air vent. Officers then spoke with Smith in regards to the same situation, who claimed that Austin pulled her hair and pushed her into the air vent before punching her in the face using her phone. Both parties had injuries that officers observed. Both were deemed the primary aggressors, and Smith was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Cheryl Scott hits husband multiple times in the face after argument

53-year-old Cheryl Scott was caught after being in a domestic altercation with her husband, Brian Scott, at Port Royal Vineyard on Port Royal Road on June 23rd. Officers spoke with Brian, who stated that on the previous day, the 22nd, he was hit by Cheryl in the face three times after an argument. Brian claimed that he was struck twice while being seated and once when he and Cheryl were preparing to leave the event. Neither Cheryl nor Brian wished to provide a written statement, although Brian did provide a verbal statement to officers when they arrived at his residence. Cheryl was then taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Tyrone Bennett grabs wife by the neck after going through her phone

32-year-old Tyrone Bennett was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Jemaica Foster, at their Jared Ray Drive residence on June 21st. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Foster, who stated that she had argued with Bennett last night because he went through her phone and saw text messages he did not like. Foster informed officers that Bennett became upset, grabbed her by the neck, and pushed her head back into a wall. Officers could not see any sign of bruising, and Bennett was not on the scene when officers arrived. Officers were unable to contact him, so a warrant was issued for his arrest. Bennett was deemed the primary aggressor, and later that day, he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Dwight Justice II punches autistic stepson after being bitten by dog

47-year-old Dwight David Justice II, a Google employee, had a domestic incident with his stepchildren, Austin Faber and Faber’s 17-year-old sister, at their Lake Road residence on May 14th. On June 19th, Shae Marie Justice, Faber’s mother, and her daughter reported the occurrence at the sheriff’s office. They informed officers that Justice II was upset about getting bit by a dog that they were temporarily housing, during which he punched his autistic stepson, Faber, in the mouth, picked up his stepdaughter by her arms, and threw her across the room, leaving bruises on her knees. Ms. Justice provided photos of their injuries to the officers. Justice II was then taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault.

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Tamara Bryan slaps roommate in face during argument

53-year-old Tamara Lynn Bryan had a domestic incident with her roommate, Debra Watson, at their Ballygar Street apartment at 11:58 a.m. on June 18th. Watson told responding officers that she and Bryan had a verbal altercation, which escalated when she slapped Watson in the face. Bryan was later taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Gregory Townsend headbutts wife when she tells him to get a job

53-year-old Gregory Keith Townson had a domestic incident with his wife, Victoria Medina, at their High Street residence at 7:11 a.m. on June 14th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Medina, who stated that she and Townson had a dispute regarding him not working. During their argument, Townson got in her face and headbutted her, hitting her nose, which popped and made her believe it had broken. Then, Medina separated herself from him and alerted the authorities. When officers spoke with Townson, he told them that if he headbutted her, it was an accident. Townson was later taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Brittany Hamilton slaps boyfriend in face during argument

32-year-old Brittany Cecil Hamilton had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Wade Hunt, at their Dominion Drive residence on June 15th. Hunt told responding officers that he and Hamilton had gotten into an argument. Hunt added that the dispute got out of hand, and then she slapped him across the face, leaving a small cut above his left eye. Hamilton was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Brooklyn Corlew kicks ex-boyfriend in genitals during tug of war for blanket

23-year-old Brooklyn Corlew was involved in a domestic incident with her ex-boyfriend, Joshua Haley, at his Heritage Drive residence on June 15th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Haley, who stated that he and Corlew had an altercation that had turned physical. Haley informed officers that he was in his bedroom when he received a text from Corlew, who was trying to sleep in the living room. Proceeding this, he went to the living room and pulled Corlew’s blanket off her, telling her she could not sleep with a blanket and taking it back to his bedroom. Haley then claimed that Corlew followed right behind him so she could go to sleep, and that’s when both parties started pulling the blanket back and forth to take possession of it. Haley says that during this, Corlew had kicked him at least four times in the genitals before grabbing him by the genitals and squeezing them hard. Officers then spoke with Corlew, who claimed that all she did was raise her leg to push off Haley to create some distance from him because she was trying to take the blanket back. Officers deemed Corlew to be the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault. While officers were driving, Corlew told officers that she had an Altoids can containing marijuana in her purse. When officers searched the bag, they located the Altoids containing marijuana. Corlew was charged with domestic assault and possession of a controlled substance.

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Local rapper “Rondo Sixowe” booked after getting in grandmother’s face — Malachi Shutt

22-year-old Local rapper “Rondo Sixowe” aka Malachi Nehemiah Shutt was involved in a domestic incident with his grandmother, Martina Howard, at their Anita Court residence at 3:34 p.m. on May 27th. Howard told responding officers that Shutt was yelling at her and threw his drink against the wall before getting in her face. She said he had a history of assaulting her, so she feared that he would hit her. A warrant was issued for Shutt’s arrest, and then he was taken into custody for domestic assault on June 14th.

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Ahj-Tariq White assaults wife’s boyfriend after argument

26-year-old Ahj-Tariq White was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife’s polyamorous partner, David Sanders, at his Parc at Clarksville apartment on June 12th. On June 14th at 3:22 a.m., officers responded to a simple assault at the residence. When they arrived, they spoke with Sanders, who stated that he was involved in a polygamist relationship with White’s wife and that he comes and goes from his residence to White and his wife’s apartment residence. Sanders also told officers that White’s wife was his girlfriend, and the two had an altercation about their relationship two days prior in which White showed up at Sanders’s apartment to confront him. Sanders informed officers that White had chased him from his apartment to his friend’s apartment, which was not too far. Sanders stated that during his running, he had dropped his phone, and once White was inside the apartment, he had asked him to get out and fight him. Sanders then proceeded to go outside, but before the assault happened, Whites’ wife reached into Sanders’ pocket and took his second phone. After this, White began punching Sanders numerous times in the face, causing him to fall and scrape his knee. Officers then made contact with White at his apartment and took him into custody for domestic assault on June 14th.

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Tiaone Taylor caught in 4K forcefully trapping wife inside house during altercation

40-year-old Tiaone Taylor was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Dora Garcia, at their Amblewood Way residence at 6:00 a.m. on June 12th. On the following day, Garcia reported that she had been involved in an altercation on the 12th with Taylor. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Garcia, who immediately informed them that several cameras were around the house, and they captured what had happened. She told the officers that during an argument with Taylor, he placed his hands on her, trapped her, and threw things around on the floor.
Garcia alleged that Taylor enveloped her in a bear hug, restraining her, and forcibly moved her around the residence.

Garcia informed officers that this is when she tried to call 911, but he grabbed her phone to prevent the phone call, which has happened on several occasions. She stated that she had pain in her ribcage on the left side of her body as well as left arm pain and pain in her jaw from the bearhug and assault. Officers, however, did not see any evidence and only noticed a small amount of discoloration in her ribcages. There was also no evidence of trauma on her face or arms. Based on the evidence and statements given, Taylor was taken into custody for domestic assault and interference with an emergency call.

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